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Knowledge - Langy Innovatons Solar Street Light

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  • What types of light bulbs are you using?

    What types of light bulbs are you using?

    They are LED (light emitting diode) bulbs. Some LEDs have tiny bulb shapes but ours look more like chips. Because they are packaged with surface-mount technology and are called SMD (Surface Mounting Device) LEDs.  Many of the chips are arrayed to form lamps in our products.
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  • Advantages of solar street lights

    Advantages of solar street lights

    In today’s era of rapid economic development and energy shortage, solar energy, as a renewable energy source, has emerged as the times require and has appeared in major lighting markets....
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  • How do solar-powered street lights work?

    How do solar-powered street lights work?

    #ChargingFirst, the solar charge controller will turn off LED lights towards dawn once solar panel voltage rise to 5v, which is accounted for a little sunlight in the morning.#DischargingWhen there...
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