🎃Free shipping to 48 states! 🎃

Shipping and Delivery Time

Shipping Policy

We like to deliver to your door without any trouble. To make sure you receive your ordered goods within the delivery window, our team is on service around-the-clock.

Shipping Options: Both standard and fast shipping are available. We provide basic free shipping inside the United States as well as choices for an international shipment to help you avoid any delays.

Shipping Rates: There are no shipping rates.

Shipping Duration: We usually try to deliver the ordered items in 2 days or possibly soon as fast.

Payment Methods: We accept payments are Google pay, Shop pay, or PayPal.

Please reach out to info@langysolar.net   if you have any shipping-related queries.

Thank you for shopping with US.

We will make delivery within 48 hours .


Delivery time: 

Economic : 5 - 8 Days

Standard:3 - 4 Days

Express:   1 - 2 Days

Net Orders Checkout

Item Price Qty Total
Subtotal $0.00

Shipping Address

Shipping Methods

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