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LANGY Lights was born from a passion for innovation and sustainability, sparked by its founder, Ming, a Ph.D. graduate from Southern Methodist University. With a deep understanding of photochemistry, Ming envisioned a world where light could do more than just illuminate spaces—it could enhance our environments sustainably and beautifully.

Driven by his expertise, Ming founded LANGY Lights to revolutionize lighting solutions. Combining cutting-edge LED technology with sustainable materials, LANGY Lights creates energy-efficient and aesthetically pleasing products. Every product is designed to enrich lives while reducing environmental impact, from LED to solar lights.

Provide Brightness and Safety with Renewable Energy

Devoted to renewable energy causes, Langy Solar (Sunrui Trading LLC) designs and manufactures multi-functional and high quality outdoor solar lights. Through various sales channels, our products are sold to countries all over the world and supported by exceptional customer services.No matter what your applications are, industrial, residential, or commercial, we have the right solar lighting solutions for you. They are affordable, market-leading, customized, and equipped with cutting-edge technologies.To help cities to be energy sustainable and to build Internet of Things (IoT) infrastructures, Langy also makes products with SMART features, like our special solar street lights, UFO high bay lights, and others.

Today, LANGY Lights stands as a leader in the lighting industry, blending science and design with a commitment to sustainability. We invite you to join us in lighting up the world responsibly and beautifully. Welcome to LANGY Lights, where innovation meets illumination.

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