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When is the Best Time to Use Red and Green Hog Lights in the Field?

When is the Best Time to Use Red and Green Hog Lights in the Field?

When the sun sets and darkness blankets the fields, hog hunters face a crucial decision: which color of light is best for the job? Red and green hog lights have become essential tools for nocturnal hunting, each with its unique advantages. In this guide, we'll shed light on when it's best to reach for the red or green illumination to maximize your success in the field.

Understanding the Basics

Before we dig into the specifics, let's understand why hunters use red and green lights for hog hunting. Unlike humans, hogs have limited color vision and are less sensitive to certain wavelengths. This means they are less likely to be spooked by red and green lights, providing hunters with a tactical advantage in the dark.

Red Hog Lights – The Nighttime Ninja

Picture this: a moonlit night, and you're out in the fields ready for a hog hunt. Red hog lights are your go-to choice in low-light conditions. The soft glow of red light is less likely to startle hogs, allowing you to approach quietly and undetected. Whether you're setting up feeders or navigating through the woods, red lights offer a stealthy solution.

Best Situations for Red Hog Lights:

  • Feeder Setup: When placing feeders to attract hogs, red lights are ideal. Hogs won't be alarmed, and you can observe their behavior without disturbing them.
  • Tracking: If you're tracking hogs or observing their movements, opt for red lights to remain discreet and maintain the element of surprise.
  • Nighttime Ambiance: Red lights are great for creating a calming atmosphere during nighttime activities in the field.

Green Hog Lights – The Field's Emerald Eyes

Green hog lights, on the other hand, provide a different set of advantages. While still discreet, green lights offer enhanced visibility and reach. They can penetrate deeper into the darkness, revealing more details without alerting the hogs.

Best Situations for Green Hog Lights

  • Long-Range Visibility: When you need to spot hogs from a distance, green lights are more effective at illuminating a larger area without causing disturbance.
  • Field Scanning: Use green lights for scanning fields or open areas where hogs might be grazing. The increased visibility will help you plan your approach strategically.
  • Quick Identification: If you need to identify specific features or markings on hogs, green lights provide better clarity than red lights.

Combining Red and Green Lights:

For the ultimate hog-hunting experience, some hunters opt for a combination of red and green lights. This approach allows for flexibility based on the specific conditions of the hunting environment. By using both colors strategically, hunters can adapt to different scenarios and increase their chances of a successful hunt.

Best Time to Combine Red and Green Hog Lights:

  • Changing Conditions: If you anticipate varying lighting conditions throughout your hunting expedition, a combination of red and green lights provides adaptability.
  • Mixed Terrain: In areas with a combination of dense foliage and open spaces, alternating between red and green lights can help you navigate and observe hogs more effectively.


In the world of hog hunting, the right choice between red and green hog lights depends 

on the conditions and your objectives. Understanding the benefits of each color empowers you to make informed decisions in the field. So, whether you're a seasoned hunter or a newcomer, keep these tips in mind to brighten up your nighttime adventures and increase your chances of success. 

Happy hunting!

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